Welcome to Eaglerock Soaring LLC

Connecting people and gliders— helping people soar.

Who we are!

Acquisition, maintenance and leasing of Sailplanes— It’s what we do best! We make connections between gliders and the people who fly them.

We work closely with Soaring Eagle Foundation and their goal to give wounded or disabled veterans the opportunity to explore gliding.

Randy and Chris Rothe have over 50 + years of combined experience gliding, resourcing, connecting and interacting in the world of soaring.

What we do!

We network with various resources and connect with people.

We operate out of Meadow Lake air field.

Our Leadership Team

To say they have known each other for years is an understatement. Randy and Chris work seamlessly together to be the conduit between people and resources.

Randy Rothe


Randy graduated from the USAF Academy in 1977. As an AF Reserve pilot, he flew C-130s during Desert Shield, advised the Rocky Mountain Civil Air Patrol, and was a sailplane instructor pilot at the USAF Academy. A United Airlines pilot and instructor since 1989, Randy recently retired to focus on all things related to soaring.

Chris Rothe

Vice President

Chris started flying gliders with the Civil Air Patrol, earning his glider instructor rating at 16. A graduate of Metro State University, he joined the Air Force Reserve as a C-130 Aircraft Commander and instructor at Peterson AFB, transferring to the Academy in 2014 as a soaring instructor. Currently, he flies Airbus A-319/320s for United, and is a USAF Reservist and an instructor for the Academy soaring racing team.


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